Corporate Sponsorship Program
Accomplishing our goals and providing appropriate care would not be possible without the generous support of our community sponsors and partners. Email us at to learn more about becoming a sponsor!
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Gretchen, our office kitty and TOP CAT, came to us sometime before 2014. Details are sketchy on her first adoption. In 2017 she was found wandering in a park and was returned to us, thanks to a microchip. After a couple of failed adoptions, and her last return where she was found to have a pellet in her side, as well as her apparent contentment in our SOCKS office, we decided Gretchen was our cat and wouldn’t be put through another adoption attempt. She has since become our mascot, box inspector, donation tester, office manager and social media star. Gretchen represents what can happen when we accept that not every cat is meant to be in a traditional home. SOCKS Shelter is Gretchen’s forever home and we are so happy to have her.
SOCKS “Proud Sponsor” plaque to hang in your business office
SOCKS window cling to display your company’s support of our nonprofit rescue
Etched “We Help Save Animal Lives” desk ornament
Company name on “SOCKS Honored Sponsors” plaque displayed in our SOCKS facility.
Company brochure included in all SOCKS adoption folders
Company logo included on SOCKS website
Periodic business advertisements on SOCKS social media platforms (FB 11k+ followers, IG _____k+ followers)
Company swag distributed at SOCKS community and adoption events and adoption bags
SOCKS logo to display on your business’ website as a proud rescue sponsor
Tortitude: A strong-willed attitude, a bit more challenging, possessive of their human, fiercely independent, feisty and unpredictable. If these cat characteristics sound familiar, you likely have a tortoiseshell calico cat in your life. The Khmers of Southeast Asia even developed an explanation as to the origins of a tortie: they came from “the blood of a young goddess born of a lotus flower during a magical ritual”. However they get here, they clearly have a following all their own. Japanese fishermen believed that bringing a tortie onto their boat would protect them from storms and ghosts. Only 1 in 3000 torties are male. In the United States, they’re referred to as “money cats," being that male torties and calicos are so rare. In Scotland and Ireland, it’s seen as good luck when a male tortoiseshell comes into your home.
SOCKS “Proud Sponsor” plaque to hang in your business office
SOCKS window cling to display your company’s support of our nonprofit rescue
Company name on “SOCKS Honored Sponsors” plaque displayed in our SOCKS facility.
Company brochure included in all SOCKS adoption folders
Company logo included on SOCKS website
Periodic business advertisements on SOCKS social media platforms (FB 11k+ followers, IG _____k+ followers)
Company swag distributed at SOCKS community and adoption events and adoption bags
SOCKS logo to display on your business’ website as a proud rescue sponsor

Snap was taken in as a stray by a couple of cat-lover who took care of her until her kittens were born. The kittens were adopted and Snap stayed with a foster family until she could be spayed and returned to SOCKS. Snap got adventurous one day and tore out a corner of a screen, going on a walk-about that lasted about a week. Upon her return she became ill. After several vet visits, a couple of them overnighters so she could be observed and kept stable, it was determined that she had gotten into something she should not have and it had caused neurological damage. She was kept in quiet surroundings suitable for her needs, and she was still sweet and playful, albeit a bit wobbly. One day her family arrived and they immediately knew Snap was theirs. The young man had a brain injury from football and he connected with Snap on that level. SOCKS was able to give Snap another chance at a good life.
SOCKS “Proud Sponsor” plaque to hang in your business office
SOCKS window cling to display your company’s support of our nonprofit rescue
Company name on “SOCKS Honored Sponsors” plaque displayed in our SOCKS facility.
Company brochure included in all SOCKS adoption folders
Company logo included on SOCKS website
SOCKS logo to display on your business’ website as a proud rescue sponsor
In 2017, Maxwell was abandoned at SOCKS front door so we had no information that could help him find a new home. We soon realized living with other cats was not something Maxwell had in mind. So he went to live with a foster mom while we got to know him better. He had a couple of adoptions that did not work out but he spent a lot of time in his very own room at the shelter. In June 2022 a young man arrived who understood Maxwell to be a spicy kitty with his own ideas. This young man decided a spicy cat was just what he wanted! Now living his best life as a typical House Panther, Maxwell is living his best life after being adopted by someone who understood his unique personality. It only took about five years, but SOCKS gave him all the time he needed to find that right person.
SOCKS “Proud Sponsor” plaque to hang in your business office
SOCKS window cling to display your company’s support of our nonprofit rescue
Company brochure included in all SOCKS adoption folders
Company logo included on SOCKS website
SOCKS logo to display on your business’ website as a proud rescue sponsor

Buffy and Bebe (both Calicos) and Buddy (an orange tabby) were born in Pensacola to a stray mama determined to find them help. She approached a couple in the park and led them to her kittens. The couple took mama and the babies home. Once there the couple realized the kittens had some eye problems. It turned out the kittens were born with eyelid agenesis, a birth defect in cats where a portion of the eyelid in both eyes is underdeveloped at birth and is missing tissue. The missing tissue causes damage and blindness can result. SOCKS was able to raise thousands of dollars in funds to get the necessary surgery done for all three, to keep them from losing their sight. They are now happy, healthy cats in their forever homes.
SOCKS window cling to display your company’s support of our nonprofit rescue
Company logo included on SOCKS website
SOCKS logo to display on your business’ website as a proud rescue sponsor